Our Mission
The Manor Conservancy works to preserve the predominantly rural character of Northern Baltimore and Harford Counties, to resist the spread of development and sprawl, to guard the water and air quality, and to support and encourage groups and activities to improve the environment.
We support preservation and protection and these conservation values:
Sustainable Economies: Agriculture, forestry, recreation
Scenic Beauty: Open space and rural landscapes
Clean Water: Streams and Chesapeake watersheds
Natural Habitat: Native plants, trees, and wildlife
Historic Heritage: Historically and culturally significant areas
The community actively contributes to conservation programs, engaging in initiatives such as a Deed of Easement. A Deed of Easement is a lasting legal agreement between a landowner and a government organization or a land trust, ensuring the protection of land and natural resources from unwanted development. This safeguard remains indefinitely, persisting even if the property undergoes future sales.