Welcome to The Manor Conservancy
The Manor Conservancy is the membership community for conservationists, innovators and thought leaders looking to preserve, protect and restore Maryland’s Ecosystems. We delight in your participation in our community, a dedicated space committed to preserving and cherishing our environment. Your presence makes a meaningful impact, and we sincerely thank you for being a part of The Manor Conservancy.
Explore, Engage, and Enjoy!
Discover how to contribute to our shared commitment to environmental stewardship as you navigate our website. Your involvement is crucial, and we're excited to embark on this sustainable journey together.
Thank you for being here and for your dedication to preserving the beauty surrounding us.

"We do not think of ourselves as owners of the farms for which we have donated development rights. We think of ourselves as custodians, temporary caretakers who have a responsibility to the deer, fox, raccoon, rabbit, Canada Geese, Blue Heron, Bald Eagle, frogs, minnows, and dragonflies that are the true partners with this land. To see them prosper and their numbers stabilize is to us the real reward of this effort and to keep it open to our local farmers, in perpetuity, seems just."
— Jed & Peggy Smalley